Cat and Dog Fleas Extermination

and Pest Control in Toronto

Cat and Dog Fleas Extermination

We deliver guaranteed Cat and Dog Fleas Extermination in Toronto with a warranty of 7 months. We utilize advanced insecticides spray formulations that have a proven track record for effectiveness. Dragnet Emulsion is our choice of insecticide for fast and proven results.

The cat flea is an ectoparasite (A parasite that feeds and lives on the skin of host’ body). It is the most common species of flea known to affect cats, dogs and humans. This very small, dark, wingless insect uses its sharp piercing-sucking mouth part to take blood from its host – preferably a cat. Fleas can This predator hides in the fur of animals, but makes use of its long legs to jump to other hosts. Hungry fleas will attack humans in the absence of the pet. Fleas can carry and transmit various allergies and disease. These can be passed to humans and other animals when the fleas bite. Humans will usually experience two or three bites on the ankles and lower part of the legs by each flea. Each bite produces a small, hard, red spot with a noticeable puncture wound. In late summer when the temperature and humidity rise, flea populations usually reach their peak. These conditions are necessary for adult development. Fleas which bite rodents pose a real threat if they later bite humans and transmit diseases picked up from the rodents.

Cat and Dog Fleas

This blood sucking parasite of Cats and Dogs can attack humans in desparation.

Cat and Dog Flea Anatomy

Fleas have a knack for jumping away before you can catch them. Their bodies are covered with hard plates called sclerites, so if you do catch one, squashing it can be a challenge. Their hard outer shell protects fleas from everything from an animal’s teeth to hitting the floor after a long jump. To the naked eye, a flea’s exoskeleton seems completely smooth, but it’s really covered in tiny hairs that point away from the flea’s head. Their flattened bodies and these backward-pointing hairs make it easy for fleas to crawl through their hosts’ fur. But if something tries to dislodge them, the hairs act like tiny Velcro anchors. This is why a fine-toothed comb removes fleas better than a brush does. The teeth of the comb are too close together for fleas to slip through, so it can pull them from the host’s hair, regardless of which way fleas’ hairs are pointing.

A dead Flea lays on 10 cents coin

Fleas seem to be attracted to some people more than others. One reason for this selective attraction could be that not everyone has the same chemical makeup. Skin secretions and gas emissions such as carbon dioxide vary among individuals. Also, some people are allergic to the saliva secreted by fleas. A person with a moderate or severe allergic reaction would notice more bites than a person who is not allergic. The discomfort caused by flea bites can be reduced by applying an ice cube to the bite, or using menthol, camphor or calamine lotion.

Life Cycle

The cycle of the flea consists of egg, larva, pupa and adult life stages. Although the female flea only mates once, several hundred eggs can be laid in a six month period. The very tiny, white eggs are deposited singly on the skin or fur of the host after the female has had a blood meal. The loosely laid eggs can easily fall from the host onto areas visited by the pet including bedding, resting areas or carpets and flooring. The egg, which is round and sticky, develops into a larva in approximately nine days. The larva, which resembles a small hairy worm, then pupates. The pupal stage is a resting stage where the legless larva becomes an adult in one to three weeks. Depending on the surrounding environmental conditions, it could take anywhere from one to seven months for the life cycle to be completed. When the adults emerge, they are very hungry and aggressive.

Flea Life Stages


It is easy to monitor for fleas by watching your pet. If a pet seems to be scratching more often, chances are fleas are the culprit. One way to determine if fleas are infesting your house or pet is to lay a white sheet over your pet’s bedding and watch for jumping fleas. The fleas show up on white surfaces clearly. Another monitoring method is to use a pan of soapy water with a light nearby to attract fleas. The fleas will jump toward the light source, fall into the water and drown. To determine flea location and population size, try wearing a pair of white socks and light coloured pants while walking in a suspected area of infestation. Again, the fleas will be attracted to the white colour and will be seen jumping at the ankles and legs. This method will work best if the pet has been absent from the dwelling for a short time.

Physical Control

Unless you keep your pet inside and away from other animals, it may be next to impossible to prevent an infestation. Protect your pet from fleas by reducing flea breeding areas. Popular pet visiting places, especially bedding, can become infested easily. Limit the pet to specific areas and wash these areas often. Vacuuming removes eggs, larvae and adults, thereby reducing flea numbers. In order to avoid reinfestation, be sure to destroy the vacuum bag when finished. Steam cleaning carpets and furniture will also limit flea populations. Grooming pets is one of the easiest and safest ways to control fleas. Combing pets with a fine-toothed flea comb is very effective in removing flea eggs and adults. Concentrate on the areas around the head and neck of the pet because this is where a greater percentage of fleas gather. Fleas caught in the comb can be placed in soapy water.

The application of commercially registered insecticide Spray to exterminate Fleas.

First and foremost, we listen to your concerns and questions. Next, we inspect the structure and spaces thoroughly and devise a strategy that commonly involve deploying of commercially registered pesticides to exterminate Fleas.

Insecticide Spray: To exterminate Fleas successfully we employ contact based insecticide spray. These pesticides are commercially registered with the ministry of the environment, and can only be deployed by a licensed exterminator.

The areas of infestation must be cleared out of litter and debris and cleaned before the technician arrives for the application. All residents and pets must vacate for the duration of treatment plus two hours before returning. The insecticide spray is applied in key areas where the Fleas may nest or travel in search for food. Typically, it takes 3 to 5 weeks for entire population of Fleas to die off.

Expected Results:

When the Fleas comes into contact with the treated surfaces, the pest gets the insecticide on parts of its body, as well, gradually the pesticide reaches into and invades the pest’s nesting environment. The Fleas expire after some time having been affected by the presence of the active ingredient of the insecticide in the Fleas’s physiology.


Our standard service includes a 7 months limited warranty. It may takes between 3 to 5 weeks for entire of the Fleas infestation to die off. If the infestation does not completely die off or if the Fleas infestation revives, then we deliver a second application free of cost. In rare instances where a 3rd application visit is requested within 7 months, it is considered an exceptional situation and a fee of 28% is charged for the service.