Bed Bugs FAQs2023-02-19T00:12:31+00:00

Bed Bugs FAQs

Pest Control Toronto

We list several frequently asked questions regarding Bed Bugs.

Bed Bugs FAQs – What’s a Bed Bug?

What's a Bed Bug? An FAQ This image shows an adult Bed Bug besides a Canadian dollar coin. Canadian dollar is 26.5 mm in diameter and 1.95 mm in height, It is obvious that Bed Bugs have little height, though they have quite a bit of  horizontal size. They can easily crawl into spaces with little heights - as [...]

By |December 23rd, 2022|

Bed Bugs Blood Stains and Black Markings along Mattress Piping.

Black Markings or Spots and Bed Bugs! Bed Bugs Black Markings. This is a small view of a portion of the piping of a mattress. In the depression along the piping, you see, roughly 10+ , adult and baby bed bugs. Generally speaking, the Black Markings caused by the fluid like Feces are the most prominent [...]

By |December 19th, 2022|

Extended Protection of Our BedBug Pest Control Extermination

Extended Protection Through Our Bed Bug Extermination What is "Extended Defense" against BedBugs? Even though the pest control measures are applied to specifically targeted areas and surfaces, the Extermination results are guaranteed long into the future. It's all because of the technique and the expertise. It is therefore, a practical certainty, that we observe more than [...]

By |August 7th, 2021|

Bed Bugs FAQs – Bed Bug Size and Behaviour.

Bed Bug Size and their Behaviour. Bed Bugs FAQs Question: What size range are Bed Bugs? This image shows Bed Bug nesting spot in bed-frame. This is the perpendicular ledge where the box spring sits atop. You see quite many Bed Bugs, Their feces and Nymphs (baby Bed Bugs). Bed Bug Size ranges from when [...]

By |December 23rd, 2017|

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